Why You Should Never Ignore a Roof Leak

Roof Leak Repair

From mold and mildew to costly problems down the road, there are many reasons why you should never turn a blind eye to a roof leak – even a small one. Regularly inspecting your roof for a leak is an integral part of your exterior maintenance plan. Even a small leak can create expensive problems later on if not addressed quickly by a professional roofing firm in the Fargo area.

Here are some top reasons why roof leaks should not be ignored.

Structural Damage

Many homeowners spot water stains on the ceilings but ignore them, assuming the issue is nothing to worry about. But did you know that even a small hole in the roof can lead to serious structural damage to your property over time? Water can seep into your roof through the tiniest of cracks and crevices, causing damage to the structure that can be extremely expensive and disruptive to fix.

Mold and Mildew

When left unchecked, roof leaks can encourage the growth of mold and mildew. This not only looks unsightly, it can result in musty odors at best and serious health threats at worst. You don’t want your family inhaling mold spores, which can spur respiratory problems, skin irritation, and allergic reactions.

More Costly Repairs

If you’re putting off repairing a roof leak because you don’t have the money right now, you’ll be in for a rude awakening later on when the problem gets worse and you have to shell out much more money than if you had just addressed the smaller issue in the first place. Leaks don’t go away on their own. They get bigger and they get worse, infiltrating your ceilings, walls, insulation and more. Addressing roof leaks now can prevent more extensive and expensive repairs later.

High Energy Bills

Roof leaks allow heat to escape from the building, making your HVAC system work much harder than it should to keep everyone comfortable. This shortens the lifespan of your HVAC system and leads to higher than normal energy bills.

Insurance Coverage

Your insurance policy may feature a “duty to maintain” clause, which says as the owner you must keep the property in good repair. If you know your roof is leaking and you fail to take the proper steps to mitigate the issue, your insurer may refuse to pay the claim.

Property Value

Leaks that are allowed to fester can detract from your property value. No one wants to live in a home that needs extensive repairs, and buyers certainly won’t pay top dollar for them.

Injuries or Accidents

Water leaks can lead to injuries and accidents. Water accumulation can lead to slips and falls, plus electrical equipment that is water-damaged can result in shocks or fires. These are all preventable accidents that you as the property owner are responsible for fixing. You don’t want to be liable for injuries or even deaths associated with your neglect of roof leaks.

Contact Allstar Construction for Roofing in Fargo

Got roof leaks? Not sure if you do? That’s OK. The team at Allstar Construction can perform periodic inspections to ensure your roof is in good working order. To learn more, contact us today at (701) 315-8150.


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