The Benefits of Choosing Insulated Siding for Your Home

If you are considering siding your home, you know you have a lot of options from which to choose. One of those options is insulated siding. From energy savings to noise reduction, there are many benefits associated with insulated siding. 

These are important features, especially in North Dakota, where you want to keep your home warm and cozy when the weather gets cold. Temperature control and energy efficiency are very important to area homeowners, as no one likes to shell out more money than they need to on high utility bills. Not only is insulated siding aesthetically pleasing, it also helps to control your home’s heating and cooling costs.

Let’s look at the top benefits of insulated siding…

Temperature Control

There may be areas or rooms in your home that you avoid in the winter because they are colder than all the rest. This temperature inconsistency can be very frustrating because you should be able to enjoy your entire home, not just a few rooms. When you add insulated siding to your home, you can better maintain a more consistent temperature throughout the whole house all year long. 

Energy Savings

Energy efficiency is great for your heating bill. Yes, you will make an investment at first with the initial installation of insulated vinyl siding, but this will more than pay for itself. Without adequate insulation, you are basically paying to heat the outdoors. Couple the insulated siding project with the addition of more insulation in your attic, and you are well ahead of the game. 

Noise Reduction

If you live in the city, near a busy highway, or on a noisy street, insulated siding is even more important for your privacy and comfort. Why get disrupted by the high noise levels in your neighborhood when you can install insulated siding and reduce the noise up to 45 percent? You deserve to live in peace, so if your neighbor’s dog barks at all hours of the day or you’re tired of the constant hum of the nearby freeway, make an investment in insulated siding for peace of mind. 

Protection From the Elements and Pests

Insulated siding is made to shed water, which allows your exterior walls to dry faster. This in turn helps to prevent the growth of mold, which can be bad news for your family’s health. Not only does insulated siding shield you from the high wind gusts that are common in winter, it is also designed to deter termite infestations as well. 

In the end, it may seem like insulated siding is an additional expense that you may not want to take on right now. But looking ahead to the future, it will be well worth the investment, resulting in better comfort, less noise, lower energy bills, and more. Inadequate insulation results in unforeseen problems. When you add insulated siding, this is an easy and cost-effective way to ensure your family remains comfortable all year long.  

Contact Allstar Construction for Insulated Siding

Need more guidance on choosing insulated siding for your home? Contact our siding experts for a free online quote and consultation to get started. 


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