How to Plan Maintenance and Upgrades Around Supply Chain Disruption Issues

How to Plan Maintenance and Upgrades Around Supply Chain Disruption Issues

Supply chain disruptions are the new normal in this post-pandemic era. All it takes is one link in the chain somewhere along the line to drop the ball, and the whole logistics sequence is affected. Minimizing those supply chain disruption issues is key. But how can you do it as a busy property manager, especially when those maintenance tasks and renovation requests are piling up?

Supply Chain Disruption: Defined

A supply chain is essentially a network of people, activities and organizations that are responsible for moving a product from the supplier to the final customer. A disruption in the supply chain can be any sudden change or crisis, whether on a global or local level, that negatively affects the process.

Supply chains are basically a series of interconnected parts just like a real chain. Everyone has a job to do along that chain. Some chains are simple and others are more complex. But the end result is the same. If there are any delays or inefficiencies anywhere along the line, everyone under that broken chain will be affected.

Products in the supply chain can range from something as simple as toilet paper to something as complex and necessary for building, such as lumber.

Tips for Managing Disruptions

As a property manager, you know the importance of regular maintenance and upgrades to your homes and landscapes. But what happens when supply chain disruption issues set in and you can’t complete those tasks? Here are some tips.

1.     Continue to Meet Residents’ Needs

Even though you may be feeling the squeeze, you still have to address the requests and needs of your residents with the same level of timeliness and attention, points out Multi Housing News. Residents will only be forgiving for so long (such as at the beginning of a pandemic) but they will quickly lose patience and will expect their issues to be addressed.

They need their washer fixed, their leaky pipe repaired, or their door knob replaced. When in years past, you may have bought supplies from a supplier and had them shipped to you in bulk, now you may have to get creative and scrappy. If it’s a job you can do yourself, head to the local hardware store and get the tools you need to get the job done.

Be transparent with your residents. If a particular product won’t be in for a month, tell them that, then come up with a plan to mitigate the issue in the meantime.

2.     Be Prepared

You want to be prepared but don’t get crazy about it. There is such a thing as having too many materials and inventory on hand, as you have to store it and use it in a timely fashion. Assess your inventory system to make sure you’re placing orders when supplies begin to dwindle, while also keeping in mind the cost associated with over ordering.

While you can over order some items, such as hardware and smoke detectors, you really can’t stock up on HVAC systems because they are nearly impossible to store.

3.     Remain Flexible

Be flexible and patient on both sides: with your suppliers as well as with your contractors. Everyone feels the same supply chain issues, including contractors (even more so!) which means patience and flexibility are key. As everyone tries to come up with supply chain delay solutions, know that it takes time to find alternative products, make adjustments in plans, or even learn new skills.

Units that you planned to renovate and upgrade can be the biggest source of stress when supply chain disruptions hit. It may take you as the property owner many months to make decisions on the perfect flooring, cabinet finishes and energy efficient appliances. Then, when you’re finally ready to start those upgrades, you’re hit with backorder notices of months on end.

This means you have to make some concessions when trying to produce a consistent look and functionality across all units. You will have to be willing to make some alterations from your “perfect” design, such as switching out black appliances for stainless steel or dark cherry cupboards for white in order to meet deadlines.

As the impact of supply chain delays continue to plague the building and maintenance industry, it’s important to get creative and hone your ability to think on the fly. And lastly, it’s important to work hand in hand with your HOA contractor to ensure you’re scheduling the right upgrades and maintenance tasks at the right times in order to avoid delays.

Contact Allstar Construction for Roof Replacement in Fargo

Allstar Construction specializes in exterior maintenance and roofing in Fargo. For a free roofing estimate please contact us at 701-315-8150.


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