3 Helpful Roof Replacement Budgeting Tips

Replacing your roof is a major undertaking that can cost a significant amount of money. In fact, the national average cost to replace a roof is around $8,000, with most homeowners spending somewhere between $5,000 to $11,000. This is why you have to plan carefully to avoid going severely over budget. With that in mind, here are three useful budgeting tips from the window repair and roof installation experts over at Allstar Construction of Fargo to make sure that you don’t spend more than you intended when it comes to a roof replacement. 

Roof Replacement

1. Research Roofing Materials

These days, homeowners have lots of choices when it comes to roofing materials and, needless to say, some roofs are more expensive than others. This is why it is important to know exactly what kind you’ll be using (and an idea of how much they generally cost) so you know what to expect before asking your roofing company for an estimate.

2. Get More Than One Written Estimate

As a general rule, you should ask for a written estimate from at least three different roofers. This way, you can compare each company to one another. Always choose a contractor that offers the most value for money but never sacrifice quality over the price.

3. Set Aside an Extra Budget for the Unexpected

While most reputable roofing companies will work very hard to keep within the original budget and schedule, sometimes a few setbacks are unavoidable. We recommend setting aside an extra 10 percent of your overall roofing budget for emergencies.

Whether you are in need of window repair services or are thinking about replacing your old, worn-down roof, turn to the experts over at Allstar Construction of Fargo for all your home exterior needs. Please give us a call at (701) 478-7663 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free appointment today.


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