Do Energy-Efficient Windows Pay for Themselves?

You may probably have heard from ads and other various marketing materials how “new windows pay for themselves,” with some claiming that it isn’t true at all. Let Allstar Construction of Fargo set the record straight with an overview of how return on investment (ROI) relates to replacement windows.

How Energy-Efficient Windows Work

To understand how a replacement window ROI is possible, we should take a look at how energy-efficient windows work. Most residential structures have what is known as an energy envelope. This is comprised of the exterior walls, the attic and fenestration: windows, skylights and entry doors. The ideal energy envelope should have sufficient insulation to prevent heat transfer through conduction and an airtight seal to prevent heat transfer by air. Under these conditions, heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter should be minimized. This results in lower indoor heating and cooling requirements, resulting in energy savings.

Windows differ from other parts of the energy envelope because they’re mostly made of glass, a naturally conductive material. However, conventional insulation, typically made of fiberglass or cellulose, are opaque and are unsuitable for use on windows. Energy-efficient replacement windows feature double or triple-pane assemblies. The sealed gap between interior and exterior surfaces addresses glass conductivity. When set on insulated frames and installed by trained window and siding contractors, it complements the rest of the energy envelope. 

Energy Savings and Return on Investment

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates an average home spends 48% of its annual energy consumption on heating and cooling alone. Let’s say that you already have a fixed budget for your energy bills. If switching to ENERGY STAR® certified replacement windows help you cut down as much as 25% of your annual energy bill—the equivalent of three months’ worth of energy costs—you can imagine how much you can potentially recoup within a portion of the windows’ expected life span.

So to answer the question, “do windows pay for themselves?”: the answer is yes, but not immediately. The actual savings will vary based on several things. Insulation on other parts of the energy envelope, your energy usage habits and your HVAC system’s condition are all factors. The closer your home is to ideal conditions, the greater the potential savings.

Allstar Construction of Fargo is your leading provider of window and roof replacement services. Give us a call at (701) 212-1192 (North Dakota) and (218) 303-1351 (Minnesota) or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.


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